NEWSLETTER: Technology For Businesses |
3Q 2021 |
Best regards, |
Concerned about environmental sustainability? Fiber optic internet service is your best option
Fiber optic, a type of internet service that uses glass or plastic to transfer data as light signals, has received a lot of attention recently because of its superior speeds and reliability and its ability to be applied to other areas besides internet service, such as to 5G deployment or a smart grid system. However, a less-talked about benefit of fiber optic is its limited impact on the environment compared to other internet types… [Continue Reading] |
Several carriers have limited-time promotions! If you have a need for any of the promotional services below, please contact us and we will get you started with the carrier promotion*.
As always, there are no fees for our professional services as we are an extension of the carriers’ sales & back office team. AT&T Has 2 Great Promotions!
Free 30-day Trial: Managed Vulnerability Program
Frontier Dedicated Internet Access + Managed Router: CLICK HERE If you would like to receive a quote, click on the button below or contact AmCom at / (512) 342-2226 x104. *Other terms & conditions may apply. Contact AmCom for eligibility requirements on any of the above promotions. |
Security and the Cloud: Trends in Enterprise Cloud Computing
With more than 90 percent of businesses in the US using cloud infrastructure, the features they value, the challenges they consider most prominent, and the amount of money they are willing to invest in cloud computing are important factors to understand. Clutch conducted a survey with some key findings such as 75% of enterprises implement additional security measures beyond what the cloud service providers offer, suggesting cloud infrastructure is not secure enough on its own, out-of-the-box…[Continue Reading] |
Misplaced equipment impacts time, quality of care, and budget.
RTLS+ provides the tools and analytics required to
CLICK HERE to learn more or request a quote. |
POTS Lines – Great Rates! Many carriers will no longer be supporting POTS lines. In addition, your company may be over-paying for these lines. AmCom can provide you with a quote to combine all of your POTS lines on one bill. We may be able to get you a better rate, in many cases up to 45% off of what you’re currently paying for unsupported POTS lines! Network-as-a-Service Is your organization trying to support distributed teams and meet demand for more and more network users, applications and devices? Do you need greater network flexibility & reliability while keeping overhead costs down?NaaS is an ideal solution to your problem and AmCom can help you out. Our international network partner provides the following:
If you would like a complimentary network assessment, click here. If you would like to receive a quote for any of the promotions above, please contact AmCom at or (512) 342-2226 x104.
AmCom Solutions can help your company with Internet upgrades, additional bandwidth, Hosted Voice (VoIP), Data Center connectivity, IoT solutions, Security and more! We work directly with the technology provider so your company can focus on its core business.
Let us provide a price quote TODAY. |